Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bull Shoals water levels

Hey just wanted to update everyone on the lake levels. The level of the lake continues to drop very slowly. It has only dropped a foot from last week. We have been getting a lot of rain in the water shed area, not necessarily here but between here and Joplin Missouri. So the Corp projections have changed. Looks like it will be the end of September before the water is back to normal provided there is average rainfall. The lake is down to the 691 level. It is projected to drop an inch or two a day. Projected drop level are posted above in the link. The water temperature continues to rise and is up in the middle 70's on the surface. There is a thermocline forming around the 20 to 25 foot level. It is a 10- 15 degree difference and becoming very prominent. I have personally been scuba diving and gone through the thermol cline and it was quite cold... burrrr. Visibility continues to be poor from the surface to 25 feet due to all the brush in the water, then it clears up to the average visibility at 15 to 20 feet depending on where you are in the lake. The bluffs should be the best. Have some new fish pictures. Bull Shoals Lake

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